Img: www.devianart.net
Due the fact that many people believe that Ann Coulter is in fact one of the most revolting, very hateful, and yes hatchet-face Bi***es on the face of the earth, according to Jimmy Carr a British comedian, as the audience cheered him on. Stated It was not too late to change, You could kill yourself!
The very conservative commentator who was very eager to promote her newly written book, “In Trump We Trust, was only one of the actual nine celebrities that were invited in order to pot shots at the star of “St. Elmo’s Fire” as well as “The West Wing.
But ultimately it was Ann Coulter who is at the age of 54 that spent most of her evening seating in the hot seat. During one point of the evening she was ultimately labeled as a “two – faced B****” as well as being a “transvestite whore.”
Peyton Manning who is a Super Bowl hero even took his shot a couple of times, announcing that “ As you may all already know that during the early part of this year Ann won the Kentucky Derby!”
This event that was hosted by David Spade, and taped the Studios of Sony Pictures located in Culver City, California which in fact featured routines by Jewel the singer, Nikki Glaser the Comedian, Ralph Macchio the actor, as well as Jeffrey Ross. Many of the jokes were pointed towards Lowe’s failed TV projects as well as the very infamous sex tape that he made with a young girl that was at the age of 16 in the year of 1988.
But many of the very best jokes were pointed towards Ann herself. As Comedian David Spade stated that she hopes the republicans can actually hold onto the House of Representative so she is still able to haunt it.