Actress Gwyneth Paltrow is endorsing a new collection of clothes, including fur goods – a fact that has angered lots of animal rights activists. The famous actress can be seen in an ad for the Italian designer Tod, wearing both fox fur and fur-lined shoes.
“Gwyneth Paltrow should be ashamed. I can only assume that Paltrow either is ignorant of the facts or lacks human decency and compassion,” says director of Respect for Animals, Mark Glover, according to
Tony Wardle, associate director of the vegetarian charity Viva!, is also furious. “There is nothing feminine about inserting an electrode into the anus of a terrified and struggling fox and then electrocuting it. Ms Paltrow is an actress – and seemingly a particularly stupid one at that,” Wardle says according to the
Oh, we almost forgot to tell you…. The people from Peta are also very, very upset. “We’ve written to her [Gwyneth Paltrow] many times, and sent her videos showing how animals suffer for fur, but have never received a response”, says a spokesman for the organization.
We just don’t get it… Why endorse fur, Paltrow? WHY? Now we’re just waiting for Pamela Anderson to say something really mean about the whole thing. She usually does when it comes to animal rights issues (Just a few weeks ago Anderson called singer Jessica Simpson a “b-tch” and a “whore” for wearing a “Real Girls Eat Meat” T-shirt).
LOL On waiting for Pamela Anderson to say something mean. Anyone who listens to what she has to say simply proves their own stupidity. Peta could not have a less effective spokeswoman than she, who is on the top ten list of the worlds worst parents and the worlds worst female role model.
perhaps if they chose someone with a bit of intellect , or morality, or even a modicum of common sense we’d listen.
So I’ve got a question for the PETA advocates/idiots out there.
How do you justify not only killing animals.. but lying about it and dumping the bodies in dumpsters which is effectively stealing someone elses service.. and the fact that it was justified.. lied about and hidden.. along with the many out and out lies that peta tells to frighten children.. with all the sweetness and light.. anyone with any intellect is seeing through it now.
If an animal dies of old age.. as they do many many times a day.. is it still horrid to use the fur.. or do we just toss it on a landfill to rot?
The terrorists that call themself PETA are surpassed in their arrogance only by their ignorance.
Perhaps you’re not aware that the pleather they promote is made with earth killing chlorine.. and is far harsher to make then leather..
or do we not care if we kill the planet?
Chuckles. I have to agree with the Darkhorse on this one.
Pamela Anderson is about as low rent as it gets. There is a question of credibility.. Someone who treats her kids and family like Anderson does and then speaks out for animals, finds that not a lot of the people with a brain are listening,
The phrasing she used to talk about Jessica Simpson certainly buys MY vote for her class and style. NOT!!
LOL.. its sort of a case of the pot calling the kettle black. She married after what.. three days of wild sex?
It absolutely makes you laugh that she called someone else a “whore”.
It is also a matter of record and amusement that she has been named in HIV pages as Pamela Anderson: The Newest Hepatitis C Poster Girl
It comes down to a matter of whats right for everyone personally.
Frankly, I’d tend to lose respect for anyone who DID pay any attention to cretin’s like Pamela Anderson.
There is just no WAY that the author of this piece is dumb enough to buy into the PETA crap.
Particularly after their heartless commentary about the victim of the Canada murder, which was using someones death for garnering themselves headlines.
I honestly thought you people here would have more sense than to advocate such terrorists and liars but if the last paragraph is anything to go on, you’re dumb enough to be buying what they are selling..