Angelina Jolie Reaches out to Bosnian Critics

angelina-jolie_40.jpgAngelina Jolie finally made a move to issue a statement regarding the constant rumors of her against some critics in Bosnia where she is supposed to shoot the first film she’ll be directing. The said Bosnian critics have tried their best to block the Oscar winner from shooting the film on their country because of its complicated plot.

Angelina, on the other hand, said that there is only person who is against the film but that the majority of the citizens, the cast of the movie, the president, and the prime minister have been very supportive of her project.

The ruckus started when a group of female victims became upset after they’ve learned that Jolie’s still untitled film will be about the story of a Bosnian Muslim woman who fell in love with the Serbian solder who raped her during the conflict of the 1990s.

Even though this news proved to be nothing but just a rumor, it caused enough stirrings that the Bosnian minister decided not to issue a film permit, saying that the film does not have enough paperwork. This did not last, however, because the permit was reissued a few days later.

Jolie announced that she will spare time to talk to the Bosnian critics in person to smoothen out the problem.


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