And Still MORE Facebook

The Ultra popular Facebook that began as just a few people from a few colleges, seems to be “The ” place to get it done lately..  with another unique tale from Facebook gracing the pages of our own site.

A UK woman discovered that her marriage was being ended by a facebook posting which was,… here we go with that word again… ALLEGEDLY… made by her soon to be ex husband.
Emma Brady, 39, said that she was alerted to the fact that her relationship was finished by friends who had read the update and phoned to check on her, says The Daily Telegraph.

The message read: “Neil Brady has ended his marriage to Emma Brady.”

Her husband, a 39-year-old IT consultant from Baxenden, Lancashire, pleaded guilty to assaulting his … wife .. in a fight resulting from the posting, and was ordered to pay 175 pounds compensation and costs as welll as 580 pounds in fines.
“This whole thing has been really terrible,” Emma told the court.

“All the friends I have on the site are people I have known for years so it’s been really humiliating having everything happen so publicly. The irony is if he had just asked me for a divorce I would have agreed because I would never have wanted to make him unhappy.”


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