Winehouses father has expressed his concerns that his little girl has just traded in alcohol for the drugs that she took and kicked earlier on.
He told film maker Daphne Barak that Amy had been drinking very heavily during her stay in St Lucia, according to the Times, reportedly expressing his concerns by saying
“Amy has been drinking from the morning. I don’t think I’ll come here again.
“She said to me today, ‘Dad, thank you for pulling me out of drugs.’ And I said to her, ‘But you are the one who decided to pull out. You can do it again and stop drinking.'”
He added: “After she almost died twice, to see her walking, smiling… she has progressed so much. But now, if it’s alcohol instead of hard drugs – I don’t think I can go through the same thing again.
“I’ve decided to distance myself, and whatever happens, happens. It’s her life. It’s her career. It’s her decision.”
Barak’s documentary about Winehouse, which currently holds the title Saving Amy, will reportedly air in the UK later on this year.