American Idol “Idol Gives Back” Videos

American Idol “Idol Gives Back”

There were many great performances on American Idol’s “Idol Gives Back”charity event. It included performances from Mariah Carey, Robin Williams, Gloria Estefan, Annie Lennox, Carrie Underwood, Fergie, Miley Cyrus, Teri Hatcher and more.

Click here to watch the “Idol Gives Back” performances.

Mariah Carey performs “Fly Like A Bird”.

The winner of Russian Idol, Robin Williams. 🙂

Gloria Estefan and Shelia E. performs of “Get on Your Feet”.

Annie Lennox taped performance from Hollywood’s Kodak Theater.

Carrie Underwood’s Performance.

Fergie and John Legend.

Miley Cyrus’ performance.

Teri Hatcher performs “Before He Cheats”.

Heart and Fergie perform “Barracuda”.


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