50 Year Old Soap–ATWT is Cancelled

CBS has pulled the plug on As the World Turns after more than a half-century on their network

The long-running soap has housed some of the greats, including the actors Marisa Tomei, Meg Ryan, James Earl Jones and Parker Posey.

After canceling Guiding Light earlier this year, this new announcement means they have only The Young and the Restless and The Bold and the Beautiful as its two remaining daytime dramas.ATWT has been watched by a score of people for countless generations but as the saying goes, it isn’t entertainment if it doesn’t make the network billions,. So much for what they think of your viewpoint.. 🙂

According to The AP, the final episode of the soap will air next September during its 54th season.


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One Response to “50 Year Old Soap–ATWT is Cancelled”

  1. Shawn says:

    This is such a shame. It’s the best show on during the daytime on CBS. I always record my soaps, and used to watch them in the order that they air…The Young and the Restless, then The Bold and Beautifl, then As The World Turns. However, for the past year, I have been coming home to watch As The World Turns first as it is the one I long to see each day. How CBS could cancel such a highly loved show is news to me. The Guiding Light didn’t bother me…I quit watching that years ago….but c’mon CBS…are you SERIOUS??? The story line is always amazing…like Brad and Katie…that is heartbreaking but in the same time, I can’t wait to watch it. I home CBS will come to their senses and realize that it would be a terrible loss to stop airing this show!