Roman Polanski’s attempt to have his 1977 child sex conviction dismissed has been blocked by prosecutors and they say until he comes back to the United states to face the music, it isn’t going to happen.
The 75-year-old fled the US in 1978 after pleading guilty to having sex with a 13-year-old girl at the home of Hollywood actor Jack Nicholson.
Polanski’s lawyers filed a request last month asking a Californian court to throw out the charge based on new evidence that they alleged showed misconduct during the initial handling of the case.
According to Digital Spy however, LA attorney David Walgren asked the court to dismiss the bid and claimed that Polanski must return to the US and surrender before any such request can be considered.
The much vaunted director of the Pianist currently lives in France with his wife and children, would face arrest as soon as he arrived if he chose to return to the US.