130,000 inflatable breasts lost

A shipment of 130,000 inflatable breasts has been lost at sea between Beijing and Australia, reports WA Today.

The Australian men’s magazine Ralph intended to offer the inflatable breasts as a free gift with its January edition of their mag, but they have yet to be returned and are unlikely to make it back to port in time to send out with  the issue.

The carrier left China more than two weeks ago and arrived in Sydney empty last week.If anyone see’s Pamela Anderson, Tell her..  she can keep two, but send the rest back.  🙂


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3 Responses to “130,000 inflatable breasts lost”

  1. Nicky says:

    I can’t help but wonder if this story is really true, or if it is just a marketing hoax…

  2. Tom Drake says:

    Wow. Anyone wanna go fishing?

  3. Sarah says:

    what kind of magazine would send out inflatable breasts with their latest issue????