Beauty Christina Hendricks, Esquire Magazine’s 2nd Choice!


ch2.jpgChristina Hendricks recently made the cover of Esquire’s magazine, May edition. This particular edition was focused on “Women We Love.” Scarlett Johannson was the magazine’s original pick. However, things didn’t quite work out and David Granger, Esquire’s editor-in-chief, wasn’t happy about it.

 He supposedly snitched to someone that “Scarlett completely screwed us.” How, you wonder? Well according to a secret source, Scarlett had agreed to shoot the cover, but things quickly and shockingly (to Esquire at least) changed.

Suddenly Johannson decided that she couldn’t make the shoot. Granger implied that he thought it had something to do with Scarlett’s commitment to the Broadway play ‘A View From The Bridge.’

Not surprisingly, the “source,” who spoke to the New York Daily News, attempted to do a little back paddling. He or she tried to make an excuse for Granger’s outburst, mentioning that David is simply a competitive guy and was just concerned about the cover that fell through.

As of now, there is no word from Johannson’s camp. I assume that Christina Hendricks probably doesn’t care. She secured the coveted Esquire cover which should catapult her to more jobs. She probably needed it more then Scarlett anyway. Stay tuned….


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