‘Jersey Shore’s’ Angelina To Be A Pop Star?

Angelina Jersey ShoreFile this under useless but sort of interesting information. Angelina, from Jersey Star has released a music single, titled, “I’m Hot.” However, it hasn’t been released yet, reportedly there is a little bit of trouble behind the scenes.

The producer of the song, a man by the name of Andy Stein, is refusing to give up the money he owes Angelina, at least according to her. Stein, supposedly made an offer to Angelina after she recorded the song and the offer was a bad one.

The offer was so bad, that Angelina refused to sign it. Because no deal is in hand, “I’m Hot,” which would have been Angelina’s first single, will not be released, at least not yet. However, the likelihood that it will be leaked is pretty probable. That seems to be the way of the world these days.

Stein, has of course, denied all of the aforementioned. He claims that he offered Angelina exactly what she wanted. I don’t know. If he had, I don’t know why she would refuse it. It’s not like she shies away from attention. Hmm, sounds a bit fishy to me. Stein might just be a shyster!


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